Seagyn Davis
Building static sites with GatsbyJS and WordPress - WordCamp Joburg 2019 Workshop

Building static sites with GatsbyJS and WordPress - WordCamp Joburg 2019 Workshop

Reading time of post 1 min readDate when post was published4 October 2019
Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, meaning that if you click on one of the links and purchase an item, I may receive a commission. All opinions however are my own and I do not accept payments for positive reviews. This is just a little way for me to monetize the time I spend writing for you.

There aren't really slides for this workshop so I'll just share the instructions on Github which you can follow along and complete in your own time.

All the instructions can be found here:

If you pick up anything then like a typo or mistake then please let me know here or on Github.

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