Seagyn Davis

Messages from Gran

Reading time of post 1 min readDate when post was published19 June 2013
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I often receive messages from my gran with words of encouragement or powerful scripture which brings a tremendous amount of warmth to my heart.

I never used to feel or think like that though, I used to take it for granted and never really noticed the power and value of what she was doing. Her latest message ([abbr title="Short Message Service"]SMS [/abbr] in this case) made me realise that I don't really spend time [read: take time out of my "busy" schedule] to send some encouragement to my friends or family.

I think as a society we have become quite self involved and we are all fuelled off the encouragement and blessing from the few truly selfless people left on this earth. Can we change that? Of course we can and if we make it a habit things like depression/suicide may become a thing of the past.

I'm going to take it upon myself to think of who I can encourage and not just do it once, but make it a regular thing for all my friends and family. Maybe it will change a life, maybe it will change more than that.

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