Seagyn Davis
Book Review: Rich Dad Poor Dad

Book Review: Rich Dad Poor Dad

Reading time of post 1 min readDate when post was published2 May 2016
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Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki has been recommended to me many times and I finally got down to reading it. It really does make sense of investment strategies and the flaws in pretty much everyone's thinking - which is great. However, if you're looking for investment advice and how to invest, this book won't really cover the step-by-step directions on where and how to make money from your money.

I would say that it is enlightening to the fact that there's a lot more to investing than you think and what the book reveals is that what you've been told (most likely by your parents) is that saving isn't going to make you rich. What I get from the book is that you actually need to educate yourself to understand finances - what he would call "financial intelligence".

If you're looking for a "get rich quick" book then this probably isn't a book for you. If you're looking to really understand where to start making your money work for you and to actually point you in a direction, then Rich Dad Poor Dad will definitely help you with that.

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